I am a Locomotive! - Move Physically (Part 1 of 2)

03/07/2013 00:00


We all know how dominantly Locomotives are mixed with our life. We can’t imagine a life without the contemporary fast moving vehicles. Automobiles have helped us humans in so many things, from understanding commerce to culture. It caused to explore more, produce more and venture more. Thereby, wealth of the world has dramatically been multiplied. It helps reach places easily, expand business internationally and to grow enormously. Move is a life changing game from poverty to richness.


Locomotive is one of the main reasons for 18th and 19th century industrial revolution because easy reach into various countries/markets pressurized the industrialists to produce more by applying high mechanizations as they got the capability to move goods into new markets.


Mobility is a universal reality. The earth, moon, sun and the entire body of the universe are all moving, or expanding according to the astronomical theory. We as human beings have been moving for millennia. This made us to have evolved together and settled civilizations across the earth. More people are moving nowadays from one place to another on a temporary or permanent basis for exploring new things, for searching opportunities, for meeting people, for enjoying pleasures etc.


Travelling for some betterment is not lying.


The truth is that the entire world is growing by moving. In such a fast moving world, if we start behaving opposite to the nature that we will not physically move, we should know clearly the chance of failures.  


‘I am a locomotive’ here The Title expects to mean “move physically as well as voluntarily to complete the duties and responsibilities on time without the push from anybody. Physically moving is one of the most important criteria to be successful. A lot of people who have good talents and longer vision are struggling to grow because they are lacking this important attribute of success – that is physically moving to complete their tasks at the time of its high demands. This is nothing but laziness.  

to be continued in part2....

I am a Locomotive! - Move Physically (Part 2 of 2)
